What is Magick and magic?



What is Magick and magic?

The term Magick (with a K) was coined by Aleister Crowley, a 20th-century English occultist, philosopher, and ceremonial Witch, to differentiate between stage magicians and witchcraft. Today, the alternate spelling separates the spiritual practice from the fictional magic of fantasy novels and films. Although it's up to the individual as to how they choose to spell either magick or magic. I personally do prefer Magick.

Magick is a term that goes hand in hand with Witchcraft, and like defining Witchcraft, if you ask 100 different Witches you will probably get 100 different answers. So just keep in mind this is my opinion.

I would define magick as the energy that a witch uses in their practice, magick is the conscious use of energy around and within us to manifest your intent, and the performance of magick is spellwork. Magick requires clear intent and good focus.

Magick and witchcraft are both about being in tune with the earth, the universe, and yourself. They provide the energy that is all around us and within us, things like; the sun, moon, herbs, weather, the four elements, crystals, the planets, and the seasons. When you harness those powerful natural energies and use them to create and manifest your intent; that is magick.

Magick is in the mundane; it can be found in us; it is in the sunshine after days of rain; it is in the leaves of the trees as they change colour in autumn; it is found in the beautiful seashell that washes up on the beach. 

What a practitioner does with their magick, their energy, and the intent behind their magick can be considered good or bad. It is subjective to the witch, meaning nothing is black and white, individuals have their own morals and ethics. What one person considers to be “helping” or “good” another may consider that interfering. 

One practitioner may say that a particular spell is bad or evil or black magick. In contrast, another will say it's grey spellwork and necessary. Just remember that magick, in essence, is neutral; not good or bad; black or white, it just is. It’s what a practitioner does with their magick, the intent behind their manifestation, and their own moral and ethical codes that shape their magick.

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Creating Your Grimoire & Book of Shadows - Part 2


So at this point, you know what a grimoire is, you have chosen what to call your magickal book, you have selected your book, you’ve cleansed and blessed your book and you have an outline of what topics to put in your book and how you will organise them. Now it's time to focus on the opening pages. These first few pages in your Grimoire are very important and while you don't need all of them I would suggest that you at least do a dedication page and an about me page.

Dedication page.

One of the pages you can include in the front of your Grimoire is a dedication page. This page is a commitment from you to your book that you will learn, grow, and collect knowledge that you will then transfer to your book. This page binds you to your book. 

You can call upon your Deities, your spirit guides, your ancestors, the elements, or even Mother Earth herself, to witness your dedication and to guide you in your pursuit of knowledge. But just remember that this is an oath, more than a promise that you will honour your word. 

The dedication you use will always be more powerful if you write it yourself, the more of your energy you put into your book the more powerful it will be, but if you’re looking for inspiration the Flying Hedge Witch has a great post where she shares her dedication or visit my Etsy store .

You could simply write This Grimoire started on, the date, by your name (either your craft name or real name), is dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge. 

Protection Page

A protection page for your grimoire is a great time to create your own

Sigil, bindrune or protection poem or spell. This page is purely to protect your book from harm or malicious intent. 

Here are some inspirational ideas I found on Tumblr:

By the north, bless this book with the power of the Earth

By the south, bless this book with the power of fire

By the east, bless this book with the power of air

By the west, bless this book with the power of water

Keep this book secret from wondering eyes 

and safe from the prying look,

fill it with power, ancient and wise

and let me learn and grow from this book

so I intend it, so mote it be


For those who pry, I place this ward.

From unwelcomed eyes, this book guard.

From stealing hands, keep it hidden.

Protect this tome and its secrets written

By Earth and Air,

By Fire and Sea,

As I will it, so mote it be.


Wiccan Rede

The Wiccan Rede is a statement that provides the key moral system in the Neopagan religion of Wicca.  The word "rede" derives from Middle English, meaning "advice" or "counsel", so while many think that the “Harm ye none” is the law of Wicca its name suggests that it is a mere guideline. 

In its best-known form, “Eight words ye Wiccan Rede fulfil - An’ it harm none, Do what ye will.” was first publicly recorded in October 1964 in a speech by Doreen Valiente at a dinner hosted by the Witchcraft Research Association. The Rede is obviously older than that although who the original writer of the Rede is no one is sure. There have been suggestions that it may have been inspired by Aleister Crowley, who in his book Book of Law, which was written in 1904 wrote “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.” Along with Crowley, Gerald Gardner’s The Meaning of Witchcraft, published in 1959 in which Gardner wrote: “Do what you like as long as you harm no one,”. Both statements could be influenced by the Rede. 

The Wiccan Rede:

Bide the Wiccan Laws ye must 

In Perfect Love and Perfect Trust.

Live an’ let live 

Fairly take an’ fairly give.

Cast the Circle thrice about 

To keep all evil spirits out.

To bind the spell every time 

Let the spell be spake in rhyme.

Soft of eye an’ light of touch 

Speak little, listen much.

Deosil go by the waxing Moon 

Sing and dance the Wiccan rune.

Widdershins go when the Moon doth wane, 

An’ the Werewolf howls by the dread Wolfsbane.

When the Lady’s Moon is new, 

Kiss thy hand to Her times two.

When the Moon rides at Her peak

Then your heart’s desire seek.

Heed the Northwind’s mighty gale 

Lock the door and drop the sail.

When the wind comes from the South, 

Love will kiss thee on the mouth.

When the wind blows from the East, 

Expect the new and set the feast.

When the West wind blows o’er thee, 

Departed spirits restless be.

Nine woods in the Cauldron go 

Burn them quick an’ burn them slow.

Elder be ye Lady’s tree  

Burn it not or cursed ye’ll be.

When the Wheel begins to turn  

Let the Beltane fires burn.

When the Wheel has turned a Yule, 

Light the Log an’ let Pan rule.

Heed ye flower bush an’ tree 

By the Lady Blessèd Be.

Where the rippling waters go 

Cast a stone an’ truth ye’ll know.

When ye have need, 

Hearken not to others greed.

With the fool no season spend 

Or be counted as his friend.

Merry meet an’ merry part  

Bright the cheeks an’ warm the heart.

Mind the Threefold Law ye should 

Three times bad an’ three times good.

When misfortune is enow, 

Wear the Blue Star on thy brow.

True in love ever be 

Unless thy lover’s false to thee.

Eight words ye Wiccan Rede fulfill 

An’ it harm none, Do what ye will.


The Rule of Three

Otherwise known as the Threefold Law is a tenet held by some witches, Pagans and Wiccans. It is similar to the concept of Karma. Basically the Rule of Three states that whatever you send out into the universe will return to you times three. Meaning if you as a person or a magick practitioner give love, kindness and positive deeds that's what will return to you times three. But if you send out hate, harm and generally negative actions then that's what you will receive back. 

Witches Creed

by Doreen Valiente 

Hear now the words of the witches, 

The secrets we hid in the night, 

When dark was our destiny's pathway, 

That now we bring forth into light. 

Mysterious water and fire, 

The earth and the wide-ranging air, 

By hidden quintessence, we know them, 

And will and keep silent and dare. 

The birth and rebirth of all nature, 

The passing of winter and spring, 

We share with the life universal, 

Rejoice in the magical ring. 

Four times in the year the Great Sabbat Returns, 

And the Witches are seen, 

At Lammas and Candlemas dancing, 

On May Eve and old Hallowe'en. 

When day-time and night-time are equal, 

When sun is at greatest and least, 

The four Lesser Sabbats are summoned, 

And Witches gather in feast. 

Thirteen silver moons in a year are, 

Thirteen is the coven's array. 

Thirteen times at Esbat make merry, 

For each golden year and a day. 

The power that was passed down the ages, 

Each time between woman and man, 

Each century unto the other, 

Ere time and the ages began. 

When drawn is the magical circle, 

By sword or athame of power, 

Its compass between two worlds lies, 

In land of the shades for that hour. 

This world has no right then to know it, 

And world of beyond will tell naught, 

The oldest of Gods are invoked there, 

The Great Work of magic is wrought. 

For two are the mystical pillars, 

That stand at the gate of the shrine, 

And two are the powers of nature, 

The forms and the forces divine. 

The dark and the light in succession, 

The opposites each unto each, 

Shown forth as a God and a Goddess: 

Of this did our ancestors teach. 

By night he's the wild winds rider, 

The Horn'd One, the Lord of the Shades. 

By day he's the King of the Woodland, 

The dweller in green forest glades. 

She is youthful or old as she pleases, 

She sails the torn clouds in her barque, 

The bright silver Lady of midnight, 

The crone who weaves spells in the dark. 

The master and mistress of magic, 

That dwell in the deeps of the mind, 

Immortal and ever-renewing, 

With power to free or to bind. 

So drink the good wine to the Old Gods, 

And Dance and make love in their praise, 

Till Elphame's fair land shall receive us, 

In peace at the end of our days. 

And Do What Ye Will be the challenge, 

So be it love that harms none, 

For this is the only commandment. 

By Magic of old, be it done!

13 Goals of a Witch

The 13 Goals of a Witch were originally written in Scott Cunningham’s book: Wicca – A Guide for a solitary practitioner, first published in 1988. They outline the ethics of Witchcraft.

The Goals were 13 Goals of the Witch

  1. Know yourself
  2. Know your craft
  3. Learn and grow
  4. Apply knowledge with wisdom
  5. Achieve balance
  6. Keep your words in good order
  7. Keep your thoughts in good order
  8. Celebrate life
  9. Attune with the cycles of nature
  10. Breathe and eat correctly
  11. Exercise the body
  12. Meditate
  13. Honour the Goddess and the God

Now these concepts might be Wiccan but it is easy to modify them to suit your own needs, beliefs and ethics. For example, the 13th goal is to honour the Goddess and God, if you don't believe in the Wicaan Goddes and God you could replace them with honour the Earth, honour your ancestors, honour Odin, honour yourself. 

Once your opening pages are finished the only limit on what you record within your pages is yourself. Remember never stop learning, read as much as you can from as many different sources and make up your own mind about what and how to create the path you walk. 

What is a Grimoire and a Book of Shadows?

Creating your Grimoire and Book of Shadows - Part 1

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What is cleansing?

Think of cleansing as an energetic cleaning, you're wiping away all the negative emotions, and the energies of other people, and starting off brand new like a blank page ready to be written on with only your imprint, your energy, and your intentions. 

Cleansing is used to purify, clean energy, and clear vibrations. It can clear away negative & toxic energies or stagnant energies, cleansing can be charged with your intentions.

Cleansing can be done on many things including, a new home, your current home, a particular space, ritual tools, tarot decks, crystals, your Grimoire or even yourself.

You can and should cleanse yourself daily, an easy cleansing ritual that I use daily is when I'm showering in the morning I will visualise the water washing all the negativity off my body down the drain. 

Another technique that is easy to incorporate into your life, is when you are vacuuming or sweeping imagine that along with the dust and dirt, any negativity, toxic energy, stress or whatever else needs to be cleansed is being vacuumed up or swept away.

There are many ways to cleanse including, smoke, water, the moon and the sun, crystals, salt, visualisation and sound.

Cleansing with smoke: 

Burning dried plants, woods and resins in rituals has been used by ancient peoples and civilisations for thousands of years. For example, Ancient Romans lit up cinnamon during funerals and rosemary to stimulate healing. In Mesopotamia, the Minoans and the Mycenaeans burned ladanum (a gum resin) and saffron (an antioxidant herb). Burning incense is a staple ceremony in ancient Egypt as a way of worshipping their gods. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), burning agarwood and sandalwood is believed to promote emotional and physical wellness. The Roman Catholic church practices incense burning to amplify prayers so that petitions and intentions would rise to heaven. The Assyrians burned boxwood, cedar, Cyprus, and fir in their homes, altars, and healing places. The Native American Indians burn sage in a ritual called smudging for sacred ceremonies such as spiritual healing and cleansing of negative energies.

Herbs for smoke cleansing:

Bay - Cedar - Cinnamon - Clove - Copal - Dragon's Blood - Elder leaves- 

Eucalyptus - Frankincense - Juniper - Lavender - Mint - Mugwort -Olive leaves - Palo Santo - Pine - Rosemary -Rose petals - Thyme - Sage - Vervain - Yerba Santa

How to cleanse with smoke:

First, choose your herb, incense, resin etc make sure they are ethically sourced, and do some research as each herb has multiple correspondences. For example, Lavender which is one of my favourite cleansing herbs can be used for healing, calming, anxiety, clarity, communication, release, sleep, peace, love, tranquillity, happiness, cleansing, balance and psychic protection among other things. So if you want to cleanse your bedroom or the room your altar is in with smoke and you want to imbue your intention at the same time say peace then lavender is perfect. Or if you're cleansing an object say a new deck of tarot cards and you want to imbue the intention of intuition, Echinacea is a great herb to use. 

Cleansing a house or room:

Once you have chosen and sourced your herbs, you should psychically clean the space, open the curtains and let the sunlight or moonlight in, and open the windows so that the negative energy has somewhere to go. 

Stand in the front doorway of your house or the door to the room you are cleansing and either aloud or in your mind repeat your intention or say a mantra something like "with this smoke I banish all negativity so only love and light remain". 

Using your chosen dried herbs, light them till they start smoking but not alight, you don't want them to be on fire. Using a fireproof dish, abalone shells work well, (to hold underneath your herbs and catch the ash), walk slowly around the room letting the smoke fill the space. You can use your hand or a feather to waft the smoke if you like, but make sure the smoke reaches all parts of the room, the corners, windows, and doors. Keep thinking or speaking your intention or mantra as you walk around the room or house and finish back at the door you began with. 

Once you have finished use the fireproof dish to extinguish the smoking herbs. Or alternatively, you can place the smoking herbs into the fireproof dish and let them go out themselves.

Cleansing an object or yourself:

The process of cleansing yourself or a particular object such as crystals (use dragons blood to cleanse and amplify), ritual tools (use juniper to cleanse, center, clarity and focus), tarot decks (use mugwort to cleanse, protect, give strength, amplify psychic power aide in divination), or your Grimoire (use bay or bay leaf to cleanse, protect, and wisdom) and is basically the same as cleansing a room or house. Start by choosing your cleansing herbs, remember that herbs have multiple correspondences, so try to choose one that matches your intentions. 

If the object can be physically cleaned do so, but if not that's ok, if you are cleansing yourself have a shower or bath beforehand. Using a fireproof dish under your dried herbs, light the herbs until they smoke and think or speak your intention or mantra.  Make sure that the smoke wafts over the entire object or yourself, you can use your hand, feather or fan to direct the flow of smoke. Repeat your mantra or intention. When done either extinguish the herbs in the fireproof dish or place them in the dish and let them go out themselves.  

Cleansing with the  moon:

Moon water collected when the moon is full is an excellent way to harness the power and energy of the moon. It makes a great tool with which to cleanse just add it to a spray bottle and use it in any room or on an object that can get wet. To read the post on Moon Water click here.

Another way to cleanse with the moon is to do a full moon cleansing ritual. This can be done to cleanse yourself, your crystals, your tarot cards, ritual tools, or anything that may hold need an energy cleanse.

To perform this ritual all you need is the object you want cleansed and the light of the full moon. Outside is best for this but if the object is small you can place it on a window sill (same as making moon water). If you're cleansing yourself with the moon, it's best to take a cleansing shower or bath, use Epsom salts or herbs like lavender or mugwort, put some calming music on the light some candles and incense or essential oils (again use candle colours and incense or oils that correspond to cleansing and calming).

Once you or the object is clean sit or lay where you and can see and feel the moon. Leave the object for as long as possible but collect it before the sun rises. If you're cleansing yourself you may like to meditate or use visualisation to complete your cleansing ritual. 

Cleansing with crystals:

Using crystals for cleansing is so effective and super easy. You can even use crystals to cleanse other crystals! 

The best crystals to use for cleansing are Amethyst - you can use a geode or make a circle of amethyst crystals around whatever you need to be cleansed. Large quartz clusters and selenite slabs, carnelian, and hematite can be great tools for clearing smaller stones. You can place your crystals inside or on top as long as the cleansing stone is bigger than those being cleansed. 

Cleansing with Visualisation:

This method can be intimidating for some, especially those who have never done it or have little practice. The more in-tune, you are with yourself, the easier it will be to cleanse with visualisation

A cleansing shower can help to calm and get into the right mindset for this cleansing method. Take a few minutes to ground and center your energy, then visualize your chest filling with white, radiant light. Feel the heat from the cleansing light, visualise it slowly filling your body, and surrounding it. Picture the negativity and stress begin pushed out but the cleansing light flowing out into the air and dissipating. Now visualise the light's glow slowly dimming and fading away falling back into your chest as you breathe slowly through your nose and out through your mouth. 

Cleansing with Salt:

Salt has been used for thousands of years to cleanse, absorb negative energy and for banishing unwanted energies.

All salt has cleansing properties but there are a few different types of salt and all have different correspondences. Click here to read Salt Correspondences.

Different salt that can be used for cleansing is White salt (normal table salt), pink salt, sea salt, Fleur De Sel, Sel Gris, Epsom salt, Kosher salt, Alaea (red) salt, Pickling salt, Kala Namak and black salt can all be used for cleansing.

Place the object into a bowl filled with desired salt and place or bury the object in the salt. Leave for around 12 hours you can place the bowl in the moonlight for extra cleansing.

Cleansing with water:

Water is perhaps the best cleansing agent on the planet, different types of water have different correspondences, to read the post about Water Correspondences click here.

Moon water, seawater, river water, spring water and rainwater are a few types that are perfect for cleansing. 

If you're cleansing crystals be careful some can't be put in water at all, and others can't be put in salt water.  

To cleanse an object with water submerge, bathe, or spray the object with water. 

To really amp up your cleansing you can add essential oils like angelica, bay, birch, pine, lemon or sage or herbs such as basil, eucalyptus, frankincense, juniper or lavender into a spray bottle mixed with water. This is the perfect way to cleanse a room that can't be cleansed with smoke, or when you need to be a little more discreet with your witchcraft like the office. 

Cleansing with sound: 

Using sound to cleanse a space, an object or yourself is an ancient practice that is still used today all around the world. You can use sound on its own or you can use it in conjunction with another cleansing method to amp up your cleansing practice. 

To cleanse with sound you can use bells, sound bowls, or wind chimes, or simply use frequency (417 Hz solfeggio), you can even use breath work as the cleansing sound, or your voice as you chant an affirmation or mantra. 

  • I cleanse this space of all negative energies, leaving only love and light remaining. 
  • I call forth positivity and light to enter this space. Any negative energy is not welcome here.

Cleansing by burying in the earth:

Kind of sounds silly to say bury something in the dirt to clean it, but remember we're talking about cleansing energy, and dirt is one of the most abundant and magickal tools a witch can use. 

All you need to do, for this method, is to dig a hole, in your yard, a plant pot or even just a container of fresh soil. Place whatever it is that needs cleansing in, cover it up, leave it overnight and dig it up in the morning. Rinse them off and the earth has done everything for you. For a really deep clean leave the object in the earth for a full lunar cycle. 
Things like ritual tools, crystals, and amulets or talismans are perfect for this method of cleansing. When using this method don't forget where your items are buried maybe try placing a marker like a stone on top. 

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Salt correspondence


Infusing salt into spellwork can give an added boost and emphasis.

Use salt with herbs and other ingredients for spell bottles to carry with you, add to your altar or in your home, or even bury them near your entrances and/or on your property. These are just a few examples of using salt in a magickal practice. Even adding salt to a meal can be magick.

Salt represents earth, so placing salt on your altar brings the element of earth to your magickal workings. By mixing salt and water, you can consecrate your ritual and sacred space before any spellwork. Walk clockwise around your sacred space to begin the ritual or spell work and sprinkle the water with your fingertips on the floor.

If you have troublesome neighbours that you want to stay away from, keep their distance or if they’re just making your life miserable, throwing some salt their way may help.

This can be helpful for keeping other people away such as acquaintances, bothersome co-workers, etc. Throw salt (table, coarse or black) at their front doorstep then turn away without looking back to keep troublesome neighbours at bay. If you can't get to their front doorstep, outline your property or the part of your property that is next to or faces your neighbour's property. Throwing salt in someone's footsteps can help prevent them from returning.

Do not place salt around your home boundaries, outside, as salting the earth kills it. Nothing will grow there. Also if you have pets that like to eat everything on the floor, then putting salt around your home might not be a good idea.

A simple solution to this is to place salt in a small glass or bottle (a shot glass will do).

Place it near the front door, back door, an adjoining wall to a troublesome neighbour or a windowsill. Placing the glass on a shelf can keep it out of reach from curious pets. Be sure to secure it safely to prevent it from being knocked over, such as by a curious cat. The salt will work its magick to absorb negativity like one of those“odour eater” containers that supposedly filter smoke out of the air.

Remember to replace the salt every moon cycle (or around that time) and dispose of it away from your property. This can be done by throwing the remaining salt into running water or in a bin, but away from your home.

Table (White) salt:

 White salt can come as coarse and table salt, which you can readily get at your supermarket. These are usually pretty affordable, and you can sometimes get them on sale or get value packs of them. White salt is an “all purpose” salt that you can add to spellwork, ritual workings and even cooking, especially if you're a kitchen witch.

White salt can be used for absorbing negativity, purifying,  banishing, protection, healing, Earth element, grounding, centering, cleansing, & luck. 

Black salt: 

Witches' black salt is a powerful substance and a favourite among witches. It is NOT edible because it’s made of your choice of salt and ashes. The ashes come from your firepit or herb bundle remnants. Some witches also use cast-iron scrapings from their cauldron and mix it into salt.

Not to be confused with Hawaiian black (lava) salt which can be used for cooking. Black salt has that extra added energy to break jinxes/hexes, or to jinx and hex,  banish unwanted people, and remove negativity but is primarily used for protection. It drives away evil and protects your home and belongings. Use it to create boundaries with your enemies. Warding, reversal spell work, uncrossing, binding work, journeying to the afterlife, honouring the crone, and many other workings use black salt. Black salt can also be used to return curses and negative energies back to its caster. Working with the dark moon.

Himalayan (Pink) salt:

Pink Himalayan salt is a rock salt from the Punjab region in Pakistan, the iron in the salt gives it its pink colour. It’s most commonly used in cooking, as cooking slabs for preparing meats/vegetables and as rock salt lamps. This type of salt is high in iron, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus and chloride. It has been known to be called the purest salt on earth as it has been maturing on the earth for 250 million years.  For magickal purposes, this salt can be used like any other salt such as for cleansing and healing, particularly as it’s infused with its pink colour. Attract love, Romance and Friendship, good for Self-love. Used in spells to release from attachment. It has gentle but strong grounding and Centering energies. Brings prosperity and abundance into a home. Open your third eye chakra.  Powerful warding agent, Fire element, hearth, happiness, purification, protection

 Sea salt: 

Sea salt comes from the sea, as its name suggests. Therefore it carries the power of the sea and the water element. You can find sea salt at nearly any grocery store for an affordable price. Sea salt can be used for spells and magick involving water, the oceans, rivers, lakes, marine life/mermaids/dolphins, etc., in addition to all other magickal and cooking purposes.  Sacred to water deities and used often in Sea Witchcraft.  Make herbal salt scrubs. Used to consecrate. Commonly used to make magick circles. Used for protection as well. Can be used in curses. It is associated with purity, protection, purification, blessings, Water element, release, cleanse negative feelings, health,

 Fleur De Sel: 

Also called flor de sal or flower sea salt. This salt forms from the first most fragile salt crust at the top of the seawater as it evaporates and is typically harvested by hand. It is quite expensive compared to most other sea salt but is more potent magickally. While it has the same magickal properties as sea salt, fleur de sel has more power when compared to an equivalent amount of any other sea salt. Primarily collected along the Mediterranean and French coasts. Pure white. Deeply purifying and cleansing. Use in place of table salt anywhere you want to add a little boost of power, Water element, blessing, balance, community, wealth, cleansing, protection, clearing, consecration,

Sel Gris: 

This is grey salt that comes from the Atlantic coast of France, primarily in the Brittany region. The colour comes from trace minerals absorbed from salt pond clay. Primarily collected from clay-lined salt ponds in France using traditional wooden tools. Varying shades of Gray. Moist and crunchy, very flavourful. Unrefined. Magickal Properties: balance, binding, curse-breaking, grounding, cleansing, & blessing,

Hawaiian Black (Lava) salt: 

Harvested from the evaporating water on the Hawaiian island Molokai. It is natural and has activated charcoal added to it, giving it that black colour. Absorbs flavour from food but can also absorb impurities and toxins from the body. Magickal Properties: Absorbs and dispels negativity and physical or emotional toxins. Can be added to spell work for extra power.

Epsom salt: 

Although included on this page, Epsom salts is not composed of sodium chloride nor is it even an actual salt. Rather, it is hydrated magnesium sulfate, another mineral, and is not used for culinary purposes. It does not have the magickal properties of regular sodium chloride salt and as such, shouldn’t be used in place of any of the other salts listed above. In magick, Epsom salts are typically used in magick baths and floor washes. Its magickal properties include: calming; curse-breaking; dispelling, especially negative energies; purification; soothing. Corresponds to: Purifying specifically the body, detoxification. Perfect for ritual baths.

Kosher salt: 

The main difference between regular salt and kosher salt is that kosher salt has been blessed by a Jewish rabbi. It is used in the kosher process of drawing blood out of meat, in compliance with Jewish religious law. Kosher salt is large and flaky and can be used in spell work to quickly draw out or absorb negativity (just as it absorbs blood from meat)! Corresponds to: Earth element, grounding, centering, blessing, cleansing, purification, protection

Alaea (red) salt:

Alaea salt is red and is used in Hawaiian cuisine and spiritual customs. The alaea added to the salt gives it its red colour and is actually volcanic clay that is rich in iron oxide. Hawaiians use this salt to cleanse their tools, canoes and homes. It is more difficult (and expensive) to purchase authentic Hawaiian alaea red salt, as most of it is now produced in California and not in Hawaii. Corresponds to: Fire element, blessing, strength, power, cleansing, purification, protection, libido, lust, passion,

Pickling salt: 

This is a common salt that has no added iodine or anti-caking agents. It is typically very fine-grained so as to make it dissolve faster in water to make brine. Its magickal properties are the same as any other non-iodized common salt. Corresponds to: Water element, preserving, cleansing, purification, protection

Kala Namak: 

Is a kiln-fired rock salt used in South Asia with a sulphurous, pungent smell. It is composed largely of sodium chloride with several other components lending the salt its colour and smell. The smell is mainly due to its sulfur content. Corresponds to: Fire element, absorbs negativity, dispels negativity, breaks curses, cursing, binding, banishing, cleansing, purification, protection

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Moon water

What is Moon water?

Moon water is simply a container (usually a glass jar) filled with water (any kind of water, but remember that different types of water have different correspondences) and left out overnight under the light of the moon, either outside on your window sill. Make sure to bring the container of water in before the sun rises. The water in the container has now been cleansed and charged by the moon. 

Most people place their water under the full moon when the energies are at their most powerful but you can use any of the moon phases or lunar events to make the moon water, some people don't like to make moon water during an eclipse as the energy is quite chaotic but if you personally don't feel any negative emotional effects during an eclipse then it is OK to make moon water then. 

Water is one of the most programmable substances, humans themselves are 60% water and the moon is one of the biggest influences and amplifiers on our emotions and our energy. So by harnessing both the power and energy of the moon and water, we can benefit in many ways.

It can then be used for spellwork, drinking, water plants, sprayed as an energy cleanser and purifier for a room, object or yourself, cleansing and programming your crystals, heightening your intuition, amplifying your rituals or yourself if you drink it, manifesting, connecting with nature and the lunar cycles, making essential oils or blends, water your plants, daily energy or aura cleanse (in a spray bottle) use in your beauty routine, use it in your essential oil diffuser or burner, cook with it, drink it in tea, drink before bed to aid in lucid dreaming, scrying, potions, 

You can other items to your moon water to supercharge your intentions, things like herbs, crystals (make sure they are water safe and if you intend to drink the moon water make sure the crystals are not poisonous), salt, flowers, or even essential oils. You could create a sigil and draw it on the outside of the bottle or jar, or use a rune.

For example, if your intention was:

  • Balance you could add - green ribbon, sage and basil, amethyst, and a few drops of sandalwood. Draw a rune of Gebo, Eihawaz or Tiwaz, 
  •  Intuition you could add - make under a waning moon and use blue or purple ribbon, honeysuckle and chamomile, azurite and amazonite with a few drops of rosemary. Draw a rune of Kenaz
  • Protection you could use - make under a waning moon and use white or black ribbon, bay leaf, lavender and garlic, fluorite and black obsidian and a few drops of eucalyptus and jasmine. Draw the rune of Algiz.
  •  Creativity - a ribbon of yellow or orange, mistletoe and angelica, aventurine and lapis lazuli and a few drops of peppermint or patchouli. Draw the rune of Kenaz

How to make Moon water:

1. Get a glass container and make sure it's washed and rinsed out well especially if you plan on drinking the moon water. A mason jar, repurposed jam jar, a jug, or even a glass bowl.

2. Fill the container with water, and remember different types of water have associated correspondences so for extra oomph make sure your correspondences add up. Click here to read the post on Water Correspondence.

3. Leave it outside where is will get the max amount of moonlight, or on a window sill that again will get the most amount of moonlight.

4. Make sure to collect the jar before the sun's rays reach it. Store somewhere dark for up to 14 days. Be very careful what crystals, metals, herbs and flowers etc you put in your moon water if you planning to drink it some are poisonous. 


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Magick is all about intent, and every intention, such as wisdom, self-love or protection has things that correspond to it. Things like herbs, crystals, trees, flowers, water, colours, zodiac signs, moon phases, animals, planets, tarot, chakras, deities, days and elements.

By combining some correspondences with your intention you power up your spellwork, harness more energy, and connect with nature, your deities, and yourself while also amplifying your intent into the universe.

We use correspondences in many ways for example, on our altars, to represent the elements you might have a bowl of water to correspond to the element of water and the direction of the west. If your doing candle magick and your intent is self-love you would use a pink coloured candle to represent self-love. If you're using crystals in a spell with the intent of knowledge/wisdom you could use clear quartz. If you wanted to do a spell for confidence you would choose the day of the week that corresponds to confidence (Wednesday). If you were making a spell jar with the intent of repelling negativity you could use herbs of sage, and Dragon's Blood, make it on a Saturday, with some black tourmaline and some black ribbon.

If you choose not to use correspondences in your spellwork that's totally fine, you don't have to there's not a rule stating all witches must do this or do anything for that matter. As with all aspects of witchcraft what you do and how you do it is completely up to you.

Below is a list of correspondence posts:








Crystals and minerals

Incense and Oils

Moon phases

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Water Correspondences



Water Correspondence 

Creeks and streams:  

Purification, harmony, cleansing


General health, eyesight, beauty. Dew is said to be especially powerful if gathered at dawn on Beltane.

Fog and mists:  

Creativity, balance, partnerships


Transformations, balance, creativity

Pond or lake water:  

Peace, contentment, relaxation, self-reflection.


Energy, protection, cleansing, (if collected during a sun shower it is also associated with balance and the first rain in the month of May (Aqua de Mayo is considered to bring good health, and luck, and is sacred to a Water Witch)

River water:  

Cleansing, moving forward, protection


Health, magickal power, and the manifestation of goals. An old Welsh belief states that a spoonful of seawater a day will ensure a long and healthy life.


Transformations, balance

Spring water:  

Growth, holy water, cleansing, protection, prosperity

Swamp and wastewater:  

Banishing, binding


Power, energy, success

Well water:  

Healing, wishes, intuition


Rituals, spells, fascinations, meditations


To promote abundance and prosperity; to serve as an aid in banishing things


To increase personal power


healing, compassion, emotional upheaval, blessings, binding, fertility/pregnancy, self-reflection

Seasonal Rains

These are specific associations for rains collected on the day or night of a solstice or equinox which make them more rare.
Spring: New Ventures
Summer: Growth
Autumn: Gratitude
Winter: Blessing

Moon Water

In general, water charged under the moon is associated with feminine energies and intuition. Here are some associations with the specific phases:
New/Dark: curses, banishing, divination

Waxing Crescent: attraction, wealth, success
First Quarter: creativity, motivation
Waxing Gibbous: good health, attraction
Full Moon: Healing, cleansing, clarity
Waning Gibbous: undoing, cleansing
Last Quarter: breaking bad habits, banishing
Waning Crescent: wisdom, illness, balance

Note: you can also charge your water under full moons that correspond to your intentions. Examples- full flower moon for fertility, beauty, and feminine energy or a full moon in Aquarius for the added associations.

Sun Water: (Water charged from dawn til dusk) positivity, energy, power, strength, masculine energy.

Rose Water: (Either rain, dew, or snow collected from roses or condensation collected from boiling roses) love, protection, commitment, beauty, compassion

Gravestones: (water collected from grave sites) ease of loss, restfulness, burying or releasing feelings.

Monuments: (water collected at monument sites) remembrance, nostalgia, patriotism, loss

Rainbow: (Water collected during a sun shower while a rainbow is present) luck, wealth, happiness, fulfilment, positivity.

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