

Magick is all about intent, and every intention, such as wisdom, self-love or protection has things that correspond to it. Things like herbs, crystals, trees, flowers, water, colours, zodiac signs, moon phases, animals, planets, tarot, chakras, deities, days and elements.

By combining some correspondences with your intention you power up your spellwork, harness more energy, and connect with nature, your deities, and yourself while also amplifying your intent into the universe.

We use correspondences in many ways for example, on our altars, to represent the elements you might have a bowl of water to correspond to the element of water and the direction of the west. If your doing candle magick and your intent is self-love you would use a pink coloured candle to represent self-love. If you're using crystals in a spell with the intent of knowledge/wisdom you could use clear quartz. If you wanted to do a spell for confidence you would choose the day of the week that corresponds to confidence (Wednesday). If you were making a spell jar with the intent of repelling negativity you could use herbs of sage, and Dragon's Blood, make it on a Saturday, with some black tourmaline and some black ribbon.

If you choose not to use correspondences in your spellwork that's totally fine, you don't have to there's not a rule stating all witches must do this or do anything for that matter. As with all aspects of witchcraft what you do and how you do it is completely up to you.

Below is a list of correspondence posts:








Crystals and minerals

Incense and Oils

Moon phases

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