Salt correspondence



Infusing salt into spellwork can give an added boost and emphasis.

Use salt with herbs and other ingredients for spell bottles to carry with you, add to your altar or in your home, or even bury them near your entrances and/or on your property. These are just a few examples of using salt in a magickal practice. Even adding salt to a meal can be magick.

Salt represents earth, so placing salt on your altar brings the element of earth to your magickal workings. By mixing salt and water, you can consecrate your ritual and sacred space before any spellwork. Walk clockwise around your sacred space to begin the ritual or spell work and sprinkle the water with your fingertips on the floor.

If you have troublesome neighbours that you want to stay away from, keep their distance or if they’re just making your life miserable, throwing some salt their way may help.

This can be helpful for keeping other people away such as acquaintances, bothersome co-workers, etc. Throw salt (table, coarse or black) at their front doorstep then turn away without looking back to keep troublesome neighbours at bay. If you can't get to their front doorstep, outline your property or the part of your property that is next to or faces your neighbour's property. Throwing salt in someone's footsteps can help prevent them from returning.

Do not place salt around your home boundaries, outside, as salting the earth kills it. Nothing will grow there. Also if you have pets that like to eat everything on the floor, then putting salt around your home might not be a good idea.

A simple solution to this is to place salt in a small glass or bottle (a shot glass will do).

Place it near the front door, back door, an adjoining wall to a troublesome neighbour or a windowsill. Placing the glass on a shelf can keep it out of reach from curious pets. Be sure to secure it safely to prevent it from being knocked over, such as by a curious cat. The salt will work its magick to absorb negativity like one of those“odour eater” containers that supposedly filter smoke out of the air.

Remember to replace the salt every moon cycle (or around that time) and dispose of it away from your property. This can be done by throwing the remaining salt into running water or in a bin, but away from your home.

Table (White) salt:

 White salt can come as coarse and table salt, which you can readily get at your supermarket. These are usually pretty affordable, and you can sometimes get them on sale or get value packs of them. White salt is an “all purpose” salt that you can add to spellwork, ritual workings and even cooking, especially if you're a kitchen witch.

White salt can be used for absorbing negativity, purifying,  banishing, protection, healing, Earth element, grounding, centering, cleansing, & luck. 

Black salt: 

Witches' black salt is a powerful substance and a favourite among witches. It is NOT edible because it’s made of your choice of salt and ashes. The ashes come from your firepit or herb bundle remnants. Some witches also use cast-iron scrapings from their cauldron and mix it into salt.

Not to be confused with Hawaiian black (lava) salt which can be used for cooking. Black salt has that extra added energy to break jinxes/hexes, or to jinx and hex,  banish unwanted people, and remove negativity but is primarily used for protection. It drives away evil and protects your home and belongings. Use it to create boundaries with your enemies. Warding, reversal spell work, uncrossing, binding work, journeying to the afterlife, honouring the crone, and many other workings use black salt. Black salt can also be used to return curses and negative energies back to its caster. Working with the dark moon.

Himalayan (Pink) salt:

Pink Himalayan salt is a rock salt from the Punjab region in Pakistan, the iron in the salt gives it its pink colour. It’s most commonly used in cooking, as cooking slabs for preparing meats/vegetables and as rock salt lamps. This type of salt is high in iron, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus and chloride. It has been known to be called the purest salt on earth as it has been maturing on the earth for 250 million years.  For magickal purposes, this salt can be used like any other salt such as for cleansing and healing, particularly as it’s infused with its pink colour. Attract love, Romance and Friendship, good for Self-love. Used in spells to release from attachment. It has gentle but strong grounding and Centering energies. Brings prosperity and abundance into a home. Open your third eye chakra.  Powerful warding agent, Fire element, hearth, happiness, purification, protection

 Sea salt: 

Sea salt comes from the sea, as its name suggests. Therefore it carries the power of the sea and the water element. You can find sea salt at nearly any grocery store for an affordable price. Sea salt can be used for spells and magick involving water, the oceans, rivers, lakes, marine life/mermaids/dolphins, etc., in addition to all other magickal and cooking purposes.  Sacred to water deities and used often in Sea Witchcraft.  Make herbal salt scrubs. Used to consecrate. Commonly used to make magick circles. Used for protection as well. Can be used in curses. It is associated with purity, protection, purification, blessings, Water element, release, cleanse negative feelings, health,

 Fleur De Sel: 

Also called flor de sal or flower sea salt. This salt forms from the first most fragile salt crust at the top of the seawater as it evaporates and is typically harvested by hand. It is quite expensive compared to most other sea salt but is more potent magickally. While it has the same magickal properties as sea salt, fleur de sel has more power when compared to an equivalent amount of any other sea salt. Primarily collected along the Mediterranean and French coasts. Pure white. Deeply purifying and cleansing. Use in place of table salt anywhere you want to add a little boost of power, Water element, blessing, balance, community, wealth, cleansing, protection, clearing, consecration,

Sel Gris: 

This is grey salt that comes from the Atlantic coast of France, primarily in the Brittany region. The colour comes from trace minerals absorbed from salt pond clay. Primarily collected from clay-lined salt ponds in France using traditional wooden tools. Varying shades of Gray. Moist and crunchy, very flavourful. Unrefined. Magickal Properties: balance, binding, curse-breaking, grounding, cleansing, & blessing,

Hawaiian Black (Lava) salt: 

Harvested from the evaporating water on the Hawaiian island Molokai. It is natural and has activated charcoal added to it, giving it that black colour. Absorbs flavour from food but can also absorb impurities and toxins from the body. Magickal Properties: Absorbs and dispels negativity and physical or emotional toxins. Can be added to spell work for extra power.

Epsom salt: 

Although included on this page, Epsom salts is not composed of sodium chloride nor is it even an actual salt. Rather, it is hydrated magnesium sulfate, another mineral, and is not used for culinary purposes. It does not have the magickal properties of regular sodium chloride salt and as such, shouldn’t be used in place of any of the other salts listed above. In magick, Epsom salts are typically used in magick baths and floor washes. Its magickal properties include: calming; curse-breaking; dispelling, especially negative energies; purification; soothing. Corresponds to: Purifying specifically the body, detoxification. Perfect for ritual baths.

Kosher salt: 

The main difference between regular salt and kosher salt is that kosher salt has been blessed by a Jewish rabbi. It is used in the kosher process of drawing blood out of meat, in compliance with Jewish religious law. Kosher salt is large and flaky and can be used in spell work to quickly draw out or absorb negativity (just as it absorbs blood from meat)! Corresponds to: Earth element, grounding, centering, blessing, cleansing, purification, protection

Alaea (red) salt:

Alaea salt is red and is used in Hawaiian cuisine and spiritual customs. The alaea added to the salt gives it its red colour and is actually volcanic clay that is rich in iron oxide. Hawaiians use this salt to cleanse their tools, canoes and homes. It is more difficult (and expensive) to purchase authentic Hawaiian alaea red salt, as most of it is now produced in California and not in Hawaii. Corresponds to: Fire element, blessing, strength, power, cleansing, purification, protection, libido, lust, passion,

Pickling salt: 

This is a common salt that has no added iodine or anti-caking agents. It is typically very fine-grained so as to make it dissolve faster in water to make brine. Its magickal properties are the same as any other non-iodized common salt. Corresponds to: Water element, preserving, cleansing, purification, protection

Kala Namak: 

Is a kiln-fired rock salt used in South Asia with a sulphurous, pungent smell. It is composed largely of sodium chloride with several other components lending the salt its colour and smell. The smell is mainly due to its sulfur content. Corresponds to: Fire element, absorbs negativity, dispels negativity, breaks curses, cursing, binding, banishing, cleansing, purification, protection

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