What is Witchcraft?


Witchcraft can describe a vast range of spiritualities, beliefs, practices and traditions found in every country of the world and throughout human history dating back to the first hunters and gathers. Anthropologists, Historians, and other academics tend to use the term witchcraft as an umbrella term for many Pagan religions (any religion that exists outside of the world’s dominant religions).

People that practice witchcraft are usually called witches although being such an individual spirituality you can call yourself whatever you want. Witches dating as far back as prehistory have been known by many names alternative healers, Herbalists, Shamans, medicine women, witch doctors and Seers.

Witchcraft is the practice of magick, it is harnessing the energies of nature and the universe to manifest your intent, it is balance, harmony and duality, it is an extremely individualised practice. You could ask 50 witches what witchcraft is and every answer would be different because every person is different, it means different things to everyone.

In general, witchcraft is often associated with the use of spells, rituals and incantations, to bring about specific outcomes or changes in the natural world. These practices may involve the worship or invocation of various deities or spirits.

There are so many different paths and traditions of Witchcraft but a few popular types of witchcraft include, Solitary, eclectic, green, hedge, Wiccan, Kitchen, Divination, grey, hereditary, lunar, and cosmic witches.m Witchcraft is sometimes known as the Old Ways, The Craft, Occult, and the Crooked Path. 

Witchcraft is not a religion, that's called Wicca!

The origins of witchcraft can be traced back to ancient times when it was often associated with shamanism and animism and was used for healing, divination, and other spiritual practices. However, with the rise of Christianity and other organized religions, witchcraft became increasingly demonized and associated with evil, leading to persecution and witch hunts throughout history.

Witchcraft (or any pagan spirituality) has absolutely nothing to do with the “Devil” or “Satan”, “Hell”, or “summoning “Demons”. They are all Christian concepts. Witchcraft predates Christianity, as all pagan religions do. The preconceived notions that are portrayed by the church, Hollywood, pop culture, and fairy tales need to be disregarded; the negative connotations that these stereotypes represent are outdated, misogynistic, misinformed and inaccurate.

While witchcraft has often been associated with negative stereotypes and misconceptions, practitioners of witchcraft see it as a positive and empowering practice that can help them connect with the natural world and tap into their own spiritual power.

To me, Witchcraft is an ongoing journey; it is constantly evolving and growing, it is a journey of self-empowerment, self-love, and self-discovery. It is connecting with nature, being mindful, and transitioning as I learn and grow. It is the freedom to be your unapologetic, authentic self. It is seeing the divine in nature and connecting with that energy. It is using that energy of the earth and universe to manifest your intent. It is duality and balance, it is your intuition, and it is healing, it is the interconnectedness of the universe and everything that surrounds me. 


One of the most incredible things about Witchcraft is that it is freeform and flexible. There is no rule book, doctrine, or laws that one must follow to practice. Like everything in Witchcraft, that choice is up to the individual; of course, there are moral and ethical guidelines that should be followed, as in life, there are consequences for actions, and it’s the same when you practice Witchcraft.

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