What is Magick and magic?



What is Magick and magic?

The term Magick (with a K) was coined by Aleister Crowley, a 20th-century English occultist, philosopher, and ceremonial Witch, to differentiate between stage magicians and witchcraft. Today, the alternate spelling separates the spiritual practice from the fictional magic of fantasy novels and films. Although it's up to the individual as to how they choose to spell either magick or magic. I personally do prefer Magick.

Magick is a term that goes hand in hand with Witchcraft, and like defining Witchcraft, if you ask 100 different Witches you will probably get 100 different answers. So just keep in mind this is my opinion.

I would define magick as the energy that a witch uses in their practice, magick is the conscious use of energy around and within us to manifest your intent, and the performance of magick is spellwork. Magick requires clear intent and good focus.

Magick and witchcraft are both about being in tune with the earth, the universe, and yourself. They provide the energy that is all around us and within us, things like; the sun, moon, herbs, weather, the four elements, crystals, the planets, and the seasons. When you harness those powerful natural energies and use them to create and manifest your intent; that is magick.

Magick is in the mundane; it can be found in us; it is in the sunshine after days of rain; it is in the leaves of the trees as they change colour in autumn; it is found in the beautiful seashell that washes up on the beach. 

What a practitioner does with their magick, their energy, and the intent behind their magick can be considered good or bad. It is subjective to the witch, meaning nothing is black and white, individuals have their own morals and ethics. What one person considers to be “helping” or “good” another may consider that interfering. 

One practitioner may say that a particular spell is bad or evil or black magick. In contrast, another will say it's grey spellwork and necessary. Just remember that magick, in essence, is neutral; not good or bad; black or white, it just is. It’s what a practitioner does with their magick, the intent behind their manifestation, and their own moral and ethical codes that shape their magick.

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